Arthur Clément Guillaume Marie Eyffinger
The Hague, 10th October 1947
Classics, Leyden University (Latin; Greek; Humanist Latin)
Postdoctoral Neo-Latin / Humanist Studies Amsterdam University
Ph.D. Classics Amsterdam University
Dissertation on aspects of Hugo Grotius’ literary works (Grotius Poeta) Promotor: Prof. J. IJsewijn
Research at Cambridge (Clare)
Grotius Institute of the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences Amsterdam, Editor Works of Hugo Grotius
Bachelor research assistant
Graduate research assistant
Co-editor series Poetry Hugo Grotius
Editor series Poetry Hugo Grotius
Deputy-Director Peace Palace Library
Head Librarian International Court of Justice (U.N.)
Director Judicap, Centre for Publications and Presentations on International Law and Peace Studies
Co-Founder and Board Member Grotiana Foundation
Secretary Grotiana Foundation
Executive Editor Journal Grotiana N.S.
Chairman Annual Conferences, Werkgroep Zeventiende Eeuw Mij Nederlandse Letterkunde
Chairman Werkgroep, Werkgroep Zeventiende Eeuw Mij Nederlandse Letterkunde
Chairman Board Huygens Museum Hofwyck
Secretary-General Dutch Library Association [NVB]
General Editor (with G. Schochet, Washington ) of Hebraic political Studies, Jerusalem